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Monday, 22 October 2018
Read 2632 times

Vidange Mimin is an affordable, quality septic tank emptying service offered by a network of trained and dedicated service providers. It aims to facilitate the continuous access of households to high-quality emptying services through the Mimin Vidange Call Center, reduce the time required to provide emptying services to households, improve customer satisfaction and optimize the interventions of the emptyers in the Commune of Cotonou and its surroundings”. To benefit from this service, simply call the Vidange MIMIN’s Call Center at 97302727. A call centre agent directs the caller to a service provider who will offer the service within 48 hours maximum.

The official launch of this initiative led by PSI Benin in collaboration with ABMS (Benin Association for Social Marketing), took place in the morning of September13, 2018 at the AZALAI Hotel in Cotonou, under the chairmanship of Mr. Eric DOVONOU, Coordinator of the PUGEMU (Emergency Program for Environmental Management in Urban Areas), representing the Minister of Living Conditions and Sustainable Development (MCVDD). The ceremony was also attended by Mr. Daniel Moore, Head of USAID Regional Mission for West Africa, and Mr. Gilles Djagoun Coordinator of the AfriCap Program funded by USAID, representing the African Water Association (AfWA) as well as local authorities, key stakeholders and partners in the sector.

Welcoming his guests, the 2nd Deputy Mayor of Cotonou said that “the municipal administration of Cotonou undertakes to include in its 2019 budget estimate a line to support the promotion of hygiene services; to extend houses identification operation with full unemptied septic tanks and sensitizing their owners in all the districts of the city with the continuous and effective support of local elected representatives at various levels of the Ministry of Health and the Republican Police. He also announced that municipal decrees will be taken and disseminated for the implementation of the terms of the hygiene and sanitation code and the related texts in force; strengthening the partnership with ABMS in promoting emptying services and the continued professionalization of emptying services”.

On his part, the representative of the Prefect of Littoral insisted on the need to review the model of living together and supporting populations in maintaining a healthy living environment.

In his statement, PUGEMU Coordinator, Eric DOVONOU, representing the Minister of the Environment and Sustainable Development revealed the government’s flagship projects for the benefit of Greater Nokoue conurbation, including the PEPRAU and the Fecal Sludge Market Structuring Project (PSMBV) financed respectively by the World Bank and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Then, he reaffirmed his ministry’s commitment to the success and promotion of Mimin's emptying services.

On his turn, Daniel Moore, Head of USAID/West Africa Mission, congratulated the Beninese government for the massive efforts made to improve the living environment of the people. He also stressed that “access for all to sanitation services is a basic need. This is why the SSD project aims to create an enabling environment for the development of a thriving and dynamic market for sanitation products and services, including private sector providers and the promotion of viable business models that provide sustainable and affordable solutions for households.”

Finally, kits of personal protective equipment consisting of vests, pair of boots, mufflers, pair of gloves, water buckets, were given to the partner entities, members of the VIDANGE MIMIN network.
