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Tuesday, 28 March 2017
Read 11717 times

AfWASA fulfils its mandate by developing financial and technical partnerships to implement training activities, peer partnership, master class training, organizing advocacy events, sharing experience, disseminating information about the sector, and supporting research in the water and sanitation sector.


AfriCap Program (AfWASA Capacity Building Program), funded by USAID. It supports the institutional strengthening of AfWASA and develops three (03) key themes, namely: (i) the reduction of non-revenue water in water companies, (ii) the improvement of water quality control and monitoring and (iii) the improvement of sanitation management at the city level.

SAO-CWIS Program (Strengthening AfWASA and Operators’ Capacity for the Implementation of City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation), funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. It is the largest sanitation program implemented by AfWASA which targets more than 10 million people in 52 cities in sub- Saharan Africa. This project aims at improving, (i) AfWASA organizational effectiveness and (ii) the capacity of operators to deliver City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation through peer-exchange, training, networking and advocacy in order to provide safe sanitation to over ten million people in thirty cities in Sub- Saharan Africa.

AWASA (African Water and Sanitation Academy): Through this academy, AfWASA wants to centralize and label its training, mobilize other donors and scientific and technical partners around this academy whose conceptual model is intended to be satellite, with coordination based in Uganda and training centers of uniform content based in the North, South, East regions, Central and West.

The Research and Training Program: it supports the training of young professionals in the water and sanitation sector to prepare them to take over and involve them now in the search for solutions to the challenges facing this sector in Africa. In addition, each year, AfWASA awards about twenty research grants to young people in their master’s or doctoral years.

EMPOWERWASH-Africa (Empowered WASH Systems at District-level in Africa), funded by the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation (CNHF). It spans across 6 countries (Ghana, Ethiopia, Malawi, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, and Uganda). Its primary objectives are (i) to support a better understanding by AfWASA of WASH systems at the district level to identify gaps and challenges in order to enhance service delivery performance, (ii) to improve WASH systems at the district level through knowledge sharing and best practices using a peer-to-peer learning approach, and (iii) to support the creation of new knowledge and the dissemination of best practices through small grants and Communities of Practices.
