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Programs & Partnerships

Friday, 07 April 2017
Read 10712 times

United Nations and the World Bank (WSP) Water Operators Partnership Africa (WOP - Africa )

Thanks to UN (UN-HABITAT) Water Operators Partnership Programme has become a reality. The AfWA after its merger with ESAR is the only one organisation that has been entrusted with the destiny of the WOP programme in Africa. The objective of this Programme is mainly the sharing of experience and capacity building among the water and sanitation sector operators, supported by the AfDB and other financial institutions.

With the United Nations, the launching of the Water Operators Partnership is giving a new breath to the capacity building of the water and sanitation utilities supported by donors of the sector.

Water and Sanitation Program (WSP), Public–Private Infrastructure Advisory Facility (PPIAF)

Elaboration of an assessment process profitability degree of utilities in Africa (Shadow Credit Rating) within the framework of local utilities financing.

The African Water Association is examining new financing means in the water and sanitation sector.

World Water Council (WWC)

In future, a close collaboration about the following preoccupation for 2008:

  • Water and Sanitation, woman and decision making;
  • Twinning among the water and sanitation organisations capacity building and improvement of quality services.

With the World Water Council, the Association can now see beyond the continent.

African Development Bank (AfDB)

Water Operators Partnership Africa, Shadow Credit Rating, performance indicators and Benchmarking. The AfWA three main projects, always with the support of the African Development Bank.

The AfDB and the African Facility are the AfWA and the water and sanitation sector in Africa inescapable supports.

World Bank Institute (WBI)

Many workshops are in progress: Reform of the water and sanitation sector, contractualization, Reduction of the Unaccounted for Water, Investment Planning and elaboration of the sector financial model, Partnership among operators, Governance of the water utilities, contribution of the NTIC in utilities and customer management, financing of the sector and infrastructures, fraud and corruption in the water and sanitation sector.

With the World Bank Institute, the AfWA is getting refined and permanent.

CDE – PRO€INVEST of European Union

Management of maintenance within the utilities, with the support of the CDE.
The improvement of maintenance methods through the setting up of an efficient maintenance approach inexorably lead to: a better management of the water resources through a reduction of the water losses and permit an increase in the supply, an optimization of the operation equipments and works while increasing their lifetime and the reduction of the operation charges that can favour future investments among others. This dynamic fits in with the AfWA through the development of a programme together with the CDE on this thematic.

With the CDE-PRO€INVEST, the African Water Association benefits from a direct support to the professional Associations within the framework of the capacity building of its members.

OIEau (Office international de l'eau )

Within the framework of the water utilities governance, this project deals with the Development of the water utilities management through the use of performance indicators. Four (4) countries presented each two water utilities representing the pilot team. The project is made of an alternation of training grouped sessions on the performance indicators and benchmarking, and internal coaching periods within the utilities.

With the Office international de l'eau, benchmarking and performance indicators are within hands of the water and sanitation utilities.
