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MEL/CLA capacity building workshop for USAID West Africa Office partners

Thursday, 02 August 2018
Read 2973 times

In the framework of the capacity building of its partners, USAID West Africa Office has organized a training workshop from 19 to 21 June 2018 in Abidjan under the theme: “Monitoring and Evaluation/Collaborating, Learning and Adapting Workshop "(MEL/CLA). About twenty (20) people from Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana and Senegal took part in this workshop. AfWA which benefits from the financing of the USAID for the implementation of the Africap Program (AfWA Regional Institutional Capacity Building Program) was represented.

The first day talks allowed participants to learn more about sound concepts on monitoring-evaluation and learning, and to also learn necessary techniques for the implementation of a monitoring-evaluation plan. Among these techniques, the choice of indicators, the methods of collecting and archiving of the data relative to these indicators, the methods of analysis and the way of writing the report. So, to optimize knowledge sharing technique, the team need to work with a collaborative spirit.

The following days focussed on the best practice for organizing workshops that help to favor exchanges rather than presentations, along with the knowledge management which has to integrate an identification and a structuring of knowledge, but also the knowledge products, their scattering and an evaluation of their use, devolved to the Monitoring and Evaluation service.

The participants, altogether, appreciated this workshop of capacity building which was in phase with their expectations. Some people even asked for individual consultations at the end of the training course to raise shadow zones on chapters of the training and or deepen certain questions in consideration of their personal needs.
