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10th Annual GLOBAL WOPS ALLIANCE (GWOPA) Steering Committee Meeting

Wednesday, 06 June 2018
Read 3054 times

From 07 to 09 May 2018, the following meeting were held, successively at the headquarters of the United Nations Office for Human Settlements (UN-Habitat) in Nairobi, Kenya: i) the 4th Meeting of Regional/National Water Operator Partnership (WOP) Platforms of the Global WOPs Alliance (GWOPA), ii) the Bosting Effectiveness of Water Operators’ Partnerships (BEWOP) workshop and iii) the 10th GWOPA International Steering Committee Meeting.

Many participants and Steering Committee members included from African Water Association (AfWA) joined from all around the world, Asia, America Latina, Caribbean, Africa, South Eastern, EUrope..Many others connected remotely. The African Water Association (AfWA) was represented by Sylvain Usher, Executive Director and Gilles Djagoun, Coordinator AfriCap Program.

Regarding the the 4th Meeting of Regional/National Water Operator Partnership (WOP) Platforms of the Global WOPs Alliance (GWOPA), the recommendations made by the participants will improve and institutionalize the relations between the various platforms (WOP) and the Global Alliance (GWOPA).

As for the the Bosting Effectiveness of Water Operators’ Partnerships (BEWOP) workshop implemented by UNESCO-IHE and GWOPA, the facilitators of this project disseminated WOP tools developed with the participants.

Finally, the 10th Steering Committee of the Global Water Operators Partnership (GWOPA) chaired by the new Executive Director of UN-Habitat allowed participants to share with the Executive Director ideas and suggestions to frame the future strategy and the work of GWOPA.

At the end of these meetings, an action plan was agreed on how to strengthen the Alliance and improve the way operators can help each other. For more information about 10th Annual Global WOPs Alliance (GWOPA) Steering Committee Meeting please visit GWOPA’s Website https://gwopa.org/en/gwopa-news/10th-steering-committee
