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Exploratory Mission to Assess Water Quality Control Activity of 04 Laboratories of the Ogun State Water Corporation in Abeokuta in Nigeria

Monday, 07 May 2018
Read 2992 times

For implementing African Water Association’s AfriCap program component 3, which focuses on development of the capacity of drinking water laboratories through peer-to-peer partnership, an exploratory mission to assess water quality control activity of the four (04) laboratories of Ogun State Water Corporation (OSWC): Abeokuta Central laboratory, Abeokuta Old Laboratory, Yemoji Scheme Laboratory and Ota Scheme Laboratory was held from 9th to 13th April 2018 in Abeokuta in Ogun State, Nigeria.

The exploratory mission was undertaken by team of assessors comprising two (2) designated AfWA assessors, Margaret Macaulay and Mark Ayertey from Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL) and two (2) Audit Observers from AfWA, Gilles Djagoun (AfriCap Program Coordinator) and Francis Umemezia (AfWA, Focal point in Nigeria).

The assessment covered areas of the laboratories goals and aspirations, policies, processes of monitoring results and resources needed to implement and maintain the Laboratory. The assessment included also visits to the water source, water treatment works, checks on the sampling and analytical methods used, and interactive session with consumers’ league on water quality delivery.

At the end of the mission the audit findings highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of the utility performance, and provided lessons for improvement in the OSWC laboratory quality management. The staff through the voice of the General Manager, Engr. Mrs M. O. Agboola expressed great delight and positively appreciated the exchanges during the mission to improve their performance.
