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Representatives of USAID West Africa bureau and the US embassy in Côte d’Ivoire visit the African Water Association (AfWA)

Saturday, 06 January 2018
Read 3592 times

Two representatives, respectively from USAID West Africa and the United States embassy in Côte d’Ivoire paid a work visit to AfWA’s Executive Office at its headquarters located in Riviera Palmeraie- Abidjan.

They are namely: MM. Alex DEPREZ, Regional Director of USAID West Africa bureau, and Corey HANCOCK, USAID program Director at the US embassy in Côte d’Ivoire.

They had talks with the AfWA’s Executive Director, along with the Coordinator of AfriCap, a program for the Capacities Building of AfWA Members, financially backed by USAID West Africa Bureau. The exchange of views focused on how to strengthen the collaboration between not only both institutions, but also other partners.

To that end, views of convergence on the strategic orientations of the two institutions were tackled. Other points were also particularly mentioned such as: current key results, perspectives and major difficulties encountered in the implementation of AfriCap, as well as the preparations of the AfWA 19th Congress to be held in February 2018 in Bamako - Mali.

The meeting took end with the visit of AfWA new headquarters. It’s worth to remind that AfriCap is a 04 years program (2015 – 2019) for the Capacities Building of the African Water Association (AfWA) financed up to USD 2 million by the USAID to promoting partnership in the drinking water sector.

The main objective of the program is to build AfWA’s members capacities to help improving regional coordination and collaboration for initiatives, harmonizing policies, reinforcing the capacities of the shareholders in the sector of water and sanitation, the publishing of best practices and knowledge innovative products for better water and sanitation services in West Africa.
