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Water and Sanitation In Africa: AfWA Will Take the Challenge of Equitable and Sustainable Access

Thursday, 07 December 2017
Read 2216 times

The 78th meeting of the Scientific and Technical Council of the African Water Association took place from 27 to 30 November at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Bamako, Mali. Several delegates from different African countries and from Europe as well as partners from the water and sanitation sector attented this important meeting. The opening ceremony of this STC took place in the presence of the Malian Minister of Energy and Water Affairs, Mr. Malick ALHOUSSEINI. Opening the series of speeches, the Managing Director of SOMAGEP (Malian Company for Drinking Water Management) SA welcomed the participants and expressed gratitude AfWA’ Executive Board who agreed to organize this meeting in Mali. He also recalled the importance of the Association in building the capacity of its Members. Indeed, he says, the AfWA has developed and implemented many programs to help member companies improve their performance and create the right conditions to encourage and support knowledge sharing and networking professionals. In his turn, Mr. Oliver Gosso, outgoing Chair of the STC, pointed out the difficulties of access to drinking water and sanitation in our countries to the point that the UN has made a point of sustainable development goals. Thus the present Meetings should make it possible to reflect on the responsibility of the States and thus of the water companies in the implementation of the right to water and sanitation. The Minister of Energy and Water Affairs of Mali asserted that access to drinking water and sanitation is a priority for the Malian government in the fight against poverty. To do so, many projects are being undertaken to ensure access for all to water and sanitation and ensure sustainable management of resources. The Minister and his delegation then visited the stands led by the AfWA, SOMAGEP SA, SOMAPEP, SOTICI, Afrique Auto and SOKODEM.

The opening ceremony was followed by a high-level panel on equity and sustainability in access to water and sanitation in Africa. Communications and exchanges allowed participants to understand the constraints related to equity in drinking water and sanitation services, as well as the technical and managerial means implemented in certain cases to ensure equity and the sustainability of the service. The following days were devoted to group work in the four Specialized Committees, the renewal of the proceedings and the election of a new president to lead the Scientific and Technical Council. Thus, it is Doctor Papa Samba DIOP of the National Office of Sanitation of Senegal (ONAS) who will chair the destiny of the STC for the two coming years . The STC Conference took end with a gala dinner sponsored by SOTICI SN, one of the 2018 congress main DIAMOND SPONSOR.
