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AAE-ECOBANK Relationship: Executive leadership advocates for entertainment in the water and sanitation sector

Tuesday, 25 July 2017
Read 2106 times

Mr KOUASSI-AKON Georges, Account Manager at ECOBANK, visited the AAEAAFamily: African Water Association on Tuesday 08 March 2016, for a meeting to contact the Executive Director. This meeting follows a first contact between the AAEAAdefinition: African Water Association ... and ECOBANK which took place in Dakar during the conference on innovative financing in West and Central Africa, where Mr. Sylvain Usher , Executive Director of the African Water Association, mentioned a desire for partnership between his organization and the banking group ECOBANK.

During the working session with Mr. Kouassi-Akon, Mr. Sylvain Usher gave a presentation of the AAEAAdefinition: African Water Association and its various programs in progress, including Africap, Rasop, Afrialliance, and especially The unbilled water program, which is a very important issue to help water companies reduce unbilled water volumes.

The representative of the ECOBANK group said that it was edified and pleased to understand the functioning of the AAEAAdefinition: African Water Association, promising to echo it with the bank officials in charge of this type of questions.

Both parties expressed the hope that this first meeting will be the first milestone in a long and fruitful future collaboration for a win-win investment in the Water and Sanitation Sector. To reduce the spread of pathogens.
