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The young water and sanitation profesionals make an assessment

Thursday, 18 May 2017
Read 2000 times

The 2nd Forum of the Young African Water and Sanitation Professionals (YAfWSP) was held on Sunday, February 21, 2016 in Nairobi, outside the AfWA Congress. This forum which related to the topic: “Young professionals, our Network & Innovation space”, followed the one held in Abidjan, in 2014. It gathered students and workers of the water and sanitation sector, aged from 18 to 35 years.

The work made it possible to make an assessment regarding the implementation of the Small Subsidies Program financed by the USAID through the FABRI program. The young professionals also highlighted thelinks between New Technologies of Information and the effectiveness of Services Delivered to Customers.At the conclusion of the Forum, a statement of YAfWSP mentioning their expectations was produced in order to be transmitted to the AfWA Executive Office.
