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Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Read 2124 times

On 1st August, 2019, the 82nd Session of AfWA’s Scientific and Technical Council (STC) came to a close. Activities of the Specialized Committees which had started on 30th July, 2019, a day after the opening ceremony continued until this day and afforded delegates the opportunity to deliberate on the roadmap received from the office of the Scientific and Technical Council. Members of this committee were therefore able to assess the implementation level of the previous recommendations of this same committee and came out with future actions. After two days of concertation, the three specialized committees concluded their works with recommendations from each of them. (the SC’s roadmap is available on AfWA’s website). Firstly, the Specialized Committee 1 which is responsible for management, human resources and communication activities of the organization focused its deliberation on AfWA’s publications, competence of women in the sector and the impending elections. The SC1 after its work made a call to AfWA to do more on information gathering initiatives to further enrich the association’s communication and publications. The committee also called for a broader reflection on the level of competence of women in the sector in order to properly plan for the efficient use of funds allotted for the financing of activities of the network. Also, ahead of elections of members to the STC, the SC1 recommended that areas of competence of Specialized Committees as well as job descriptions of various elective positions of the STC be included in AfWA’s Rules of Procedure. Specialized Committee 2, responsible of technical management of water, among other points, deliberated on the International Symposium on Water Quality and unbilled water. With regard to the symposium, SC2 is advocating for the extension of the deadline until October 2019. In this respect, it invites the team in charge of programming and the Executive Directorate to communicate the list of speakers to the Scientific Committee. On the issue of unbilled water, SC2 is requesting AfWA to speed up formalities for the organization of the training on unbilled water and to raise funds through registration fees for the training during at the upcoming Kampala congress. Specialised Committee 3, which is responsible for sanitation issues also met and discussed about the sharing of information and knowledge on water resource preservation. It commits to designing and submitting alerts (message and slogans) on the issue of water resources and climate change for their publications in the AfWA communication channels. It also plans to organize a meeting of African companies that are responsible for the conservation of surface water to come out with comprehensive action plan. Lastly, the SC3 is demanding that a comprehensive report on the RASOP programme be presented to the STC during the Kampala meeting. At the end of the STC meeting, the delegates expressed their joy for participating in the Addis Ababa meeting and were satisfied with the quality of work as well as the work of the speakers. The next STC meeting comes off in November, 2019 in Kampala-Uganda. All the recommendations and communications of the 82nd Session of the Scientific and Technical Committee are available on AfWA’s website: www.afwa-hq.org
