As part of the activities of the USAID-funded SSD sanitation project, PEBCo microfinance provides loans to economically weak households to purchase toilets in Abomey-Calavi and Porto Novo. As of April 2019, nearly $253,173 in loans were granted to households through the partnership with the PEBCo Microfinance Institution. These loans were used to pay for the construction of 2,800 latrines in the two municipalities. Recently, a meeting was organized with USAID West Africa, PEBCo, and the Beninese Social Marketing Association implementing the SSD project. At this occasion the MD of PEBCo indicated that he plans to continue providing sanitation credit as part of its financial product range, even after the SSD project has been completed. "We do not want to stop the sanitation credit at the end of the project, it will now be instituted as a PEBCo product. We hope to have other partners to offer the subsidized interest rates to the targets," said the Managing Director of Microfinance. This commitment was welcomed by USAID, who congratulated PEBCo microfinance.