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Tuesday, 07 May 2019
Read 3232 times

The role and responsibility of women and their ability to assert themselves as leaders within the company through their efficiency and proactivity, was the whole idea put into practice by the African Water Association (AfWA), in partnership with the Société Malienne de Gestion de l’Eau Potable (SOMAGEG), the Malian drinking water utility, by organizing the Bamako workshop, which was opened on Monday. For five days, the thirty participants from Mali, Benin, Burkina Faso, Guinea, Cameroon, Malawi, Kenya, Togo, and Tanzania have had their capacity strengthened through a Master Class on the theme "Personal Development and Female Leadership".

The objective of this training was to give participants the keys to work on their self-confidence. Indeed, it is well established that women are now among the drivers of economic growth. This is why their skills must be developed and they must be allowed to assert themselves as women, leaders in the company. The training content would enable them to become strong leaders and drivers of change around them by strengthening their organizational and communication skills. Thus, this workshop should consolidate the gains made and enrich knowledge through the sharing of experiences.

According to Mrs. Konaré Kadiatou Malinké, the President of the Malian Network of Professional Women in Water and Sanitation (REMAFPEA), the theme "Personal Development and Female Leadership" confirms the African Water Association's commitment, and conviction that there can be no sustainable human development without the effective participation of women and the enhancement of their skills. It was an opportunity for her to share the important role of women in the promotion of water; and to remind that, "water is life and women give life. The common factor between the two is life. In addition, in order to live better, one must be in a healthy environment with adequate resources that ensure human dignity through access to health and hygiene without which development is not possible. "Mrs. Konaré remains convinced that in the near future there will be more and more women division chiefs, unit leaders, department heads and even directors.

Anything that would make SOMAGEP's Managing Director, Mr. Boubacar Kane, confirm that the African Water Association forms part of the United Nations vision, which makes sustainable development conditional on respect for women's rights and equal opportunities for all. The Director testified that in a company, according to many studies conducted by labor sociologists, women leadership gives the opportunity of a new start to the company and that it offers the opportunity to rebuild and reinvent oneself to be more solid, powerful, efficient and effective. (...)

Fatoumata KONE, L'indépendant (Mali)
