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Ghana water company limited shares quality control experience

Monday, 17 September 2018
Read 2967 times

As part of the implementation of the project to build the capacity of African water operators through peer-to-peer water quality management of the AfriCap Program (AfriCap-WQM) of AfWA, a benchmarking visit to the Ghana Water Company in Accra, led by the AfriCap Program Coordinator to AfWA, took place from 30 July to 04 August 2018.

This visit was aimed at sharing experience on water quality management between the Central Laboratory of the Ghana Water Company, mentor as part of the AfriCap-WQM project, laboratories of beneficiary or mentees of Abuja and Ogun states in Nigeria. Issues relating to the institutional and legislative organization of the drinking water sector in urban areas, the organization and operation of the Ghana Water Company's laboratory and other important topics related to water quality management were addressed so as to help beneficiary laboratories benefit from the visit.

A visit to the central laboratory of the Ghana Water Company enabled participants to acquaint themselves with the process of analysing and processing data on drinking water quality, with focus on water quality norms and standards.
