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The central laboratory of water analysis of the SEEG receives accreditation ISO 9001

Wednesday, 26 April 2017
Read 2192 times

The Central Laboratory of Water Analysis from the Energy and Water Company of Gabon (SEEG / VEOLIA) received since 1st February 2015, its accreditation in accordance with FN EN ISO / CEI 17025 2005 version issued by the French Accreditation Committee (COFRAC) for Environment, Water Quality, physico-chemical analysis, microbiological and biological water analysis.

"In 2015, the quality system will be strengthened through the ISO 9001 certification process," said Jean Paul Camus, Managing Director of SEEG, which confirms the quality approach in which his company is listed since May 2014. The aim of the maneuver is to meet the needs and expectations of its customers, improve the responsiveness and the timeline, improve the quality of water and electricity products and related services, optimize resources implemented to achieve results. The Quality Policy of SEEG is ongoing. This distinction confirms the reliability of the analyzes with the support of advanced equipment, qualified personnel and methods of performance analysis modeled on the international model of quality control of water.
