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AfWASA and Rwanda: Towards Collaboration for Concrete Actions in the Water and Sanitation Sector

Tuesday, 28 January 2025
Read 301 times

As a prelude to the official launch of phase II of EMPOWERWASH-AFRICA program, to be held in Kigali from January 29 to 30, a delegation from the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA), comprising the Executive Director and Program Coordinator, was granted an audience with the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Infrastructure (MININFRA) of Rwanda. Also present at the meeting were the General Director of Water and Sanitation, the WATSAN Coordinator, and the Country Director of Water For People Rwanda.

Discussions focused on the collaboration between these institutions and AfWASA, the resumption of relationships between Rwanda and the Association, and the progress made in organizing the workshop.

The Rwandan government, through MININFRA, has expressed a keen interest in closer collaboration with AfWASA. This will be reflected in the signing of a partnership agreement to support initiatives in the water and sanitation sector.

This meeting marks an important step towards a solid and lasting partnership between Rwanda and AfWASA, testifying to their shared commitment to tackling the challenges of access to water and sanitation on the African continent.
