Maji Africa Webinar Series is adopting an online format for technical exchange and discussions about research findings on different thematic areas related to WASH solutions and innovations in Africa. The platform is dedicated to researchers, innovators, students, professors, consultants, and any other webinar presenters.
This also comes as an opportunity for AfWASA research fellows to present their findings in front of a big international audience, as well as for those who submitted their abstracts for AfWASA Congress, but unfortunately were unable to attend and present them.
The Maji Africa Webinar series, hosted monthly in AfWASA’s Zoom webinar platform, engages researchers, innovators, students, professors, consultants, and any other Webinar presenters, in sharing their research findings as well as new ideas and research areas to solve the water problems in Africa.
The Maji Africa Webinar series starts in 2024. For every Webinar, the call for Presenters ( is sent to AfWASA members from universities, utilities, water institutes and research centers… For each session, two or three selected presenters are contacted to prepare their slides. The selection is done according to the general research themes provided by AfWASA. The webinar will be conducted in the language of the webinar presenters of the month (English or French), simultaneous interpretation provided.
The webinar series is open to the public and the recordings as well as presentations can later be accessed by members via the AfWASA Knowledge Management Platform.