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10th World water Forum: AfWASA and WRC launch the African Hub of Testing Platforms for Water and Sanitation Innovations

Thursday, 23 May 2024
Read 199 times

On the sidelines of the 10th World Water Forum in Bali, Indonesia, AfWASA and the Water Research Commission South Africa have launched the African Hub of Testing Platforms for Water and Sanitation Innovations that will be set up in the 5 sub-regions of Africa. Africa Water Innovation Hub aims to create a vibrant innovation ecosystem in Africa, which fosters entrepreneurship, creativity, technological transformation, indigenous knowledge modernization, and digitalization. The Hub will bring together users (municipalities, African water and sanitation utilities, universities and research centers, technology developers and business partners with new and emerging innovative solutions. This ecosystem will improve water and sanitation services and the quality of life of its African populations. The Hub will serve as a catalyst for growing innovation, water security, economic growth and sustainable development. It will seek to be inclusive and empowering.

The main objectives of the hub are (1) to Foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship through collaboration and knowledge sharing; (2) to Match the needs of African countries with innovative solutions; (3) to Establish regional platforms and provide access to networks of test sites across the continent to test the suitability of solutions, adapt them to existing needs, and compare them in terms of functionality, results, and sustainability; (4) To improve the adoption of innovative solutions for the water and sanitation sector and increase Africa's global competitiveness.

The impact of the Africa Water and Sanitation Innovation Testing Hub could help address local and African water and sanitation challenges, strengthen the innovation landscape, increase adoption and commercialization, expand new equipment in African markets, create jobs and build capacity. This should ultimately drive progress, growth, empowerment, and sustainability.
