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AfWASA is celebrating women in the water and sanitation sector

Friday, 01 March 2024
Read 302 times

On the occasion of International Women's Rights Day, the African Water and Sanitation Association celebrates the dynamism and commitment of the women of its network.
AfWASA recognizes that women play a key role not only as water users and decision makers at the domestic level but also as water managers and providers.

The Association believes in the fact that investing in women does not only benefit the individual but also society as a whole and has demonstrated this through the establishment of women professional networks in its member utilities, investing in capacity development, and mentorship programs all aimed at ensuring qualified women occupy decision-making positions in the water and sanitation sector.

This has no doubt contributed to an equal opportunity for some of its women in leadership and brought about some transformative changes within the sector. There still remains a lot to be done, and this is being expressed through the quotes of our women.
