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CWIS concept: AfWASA builds capacity among Kenyan stakeholders

Friday, 16 February 2024
Read 413 times

UNHABITAT, in partnership with the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA), organized a capacity-building workshop for city sanitation stakeholders in Malindi, Kenya, from February 5 to 7, 2024.

The aim of the training was to familiarize participants with the CWIS (City-Wide Inclusive Sanitation) approach as well as the tools, materials and resources available to assist in the design and implementation of CWIS projects, to facilitate the integration of CWIS principles and framework into programming approaches, designs and development of water and sanitation programs. The aim was also to share best practices and relevant experiences in urban sanitation approaches and strategies for scaling up.

During the workshop, the global sanitation situation was presented, with particular emphasis on the situation in Kenya. Group work, presentations and case studies enabled participants to familiarize themselves with the fecal sludge management toolbox. They also discussed institutional strengthening and commitment to CWIS, and reviewed the CWIS policies of some international organizations.

At the end of the training, participants expressed their satisfaction with the workshop, which had given them a better understanding of CWIS. They pledged to integrate this approach into their program and project planning. 

The City Wide Inclusive Sanitation (CWIS) initiative is an approach that aims to promote the provision of equitable, safe and sustainable sanitation services in the city. It uses a number of tools (CWIS toolbox, full list of CWIS indicators) to take stock of the existing situation in terms of service provision and/or sanitation-friendly environment, with the aim of guiding actions to achieve sanitation for all within a city.
