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AfWASA about to sign collaboration agreement with CGRE

Thursday, 18 January 2024
Read 511 times

The Director of the Water Resources Management Center (WRMC) of ECOWAS Commission, Mr. Kouakou Alexis Kouassi, paid a courtesy call to AfWASA Executive Board on Wednesday, January 17, 2024. The purpose of the visit was to explore opportunities for collaboration between the two entities, particularly with regard to the joint organization of regional events.

Mr. Kouakou was welcomed by the Executive Director of AfWASA, assisted by the Executive Board Advisor, the Director of Membership Services, the Senior Water Programs Coordinator, and the Communications Manager.

Discussions began with a presentation of the two organizations, followed by the identification of potential areas of collaboration, namely (i) capacity building of water and sanitation stakeholders to improve governance, (ii) development of African expertise in the sector, (iii) co-organization of sector events and (iv) advocacy on relevant issues.

At the end of the meeting, the both parties expressed their satisfaction with the topics discussed, and agreed to meet in the near future to deepen the discussions and formalize this cooperation framework. Following this, the Director of the WRMC expressed his interest in joining AfWASA.

About the WRMC

Created on December 21, 2001, the Water Resources Management Center (WRMC) has been operational since March 12, 2004. It’s responsible for monitoring and supervising ECOWAS activities in the field of water management and the implementation of the Regional Action Plan for the integrated management of water resources in West Africa (PAGIRE/AO).
