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Postponement of the 22nd AfWASA International Congress and Exhibition

Tuesday, 09 January 2024
Read 1403 times

Dear members,

Dear friends

It is with deep regret that we inform you of the postponement of our 22nd International Congress and Exhibition, originally scheduled from February 18 to 22, 2024, in Conakry, Republic of Guinea.

Following the explosion of a fuel depot in Conakry on the night of December 17-18, 2023, resulting in numerous loss of lives, injuries, significant material damage, and a considerable number of displaced persons, the Government of the Republic of Guinea, through the Minister of Energy, Hydraulics, and Hydrocarbons, on January 2, 2024, officially requested to AfWASA the postponement of the event.

As a result, AfWASA Executive Board, convened on January 9, 2024, has acknowledged this request and, in consultation with the Water Company of Guinea (SEG), the host of the Congress, has decided to dispatch a mission to Guinea in order to meet with authorities and assess the situation on the ground.

We extend our sincere apologies to all our members, partners, and friends for any inconvenience this postponement may cause.

We thank you for your understanding in the face of this force majeure situation.

The Executive Director
