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RIFPEA raises awareness on careers in the water and sanitation sector in Yamoussoukro High Schools

Monday, 08 January 2024
Read 510 times

The Ivorian Network of Professional Women in Water, Sanitation and Environment (RIFPEA) recently organized an awareness-raising campaign on careers in the water and sanitation sector for secondary school girls in Yamoussoukro (the political capital of Côte d'Ivoire). 

According to Ms. Koffi Léontine, the President of RIFPEA, the campaign aimed to raise young girls' awareness of female leadership and gender; highlight the valuable contributions of women professionals in this sector; and encourage and inspire young girls to embrace scientific studies and consider careers in this field.

The main target of the campaign was girls in Terminal C and D classes at the Lycée Mamie Adjoua and Lycée Scientifique. They were given a presentation on female leadership and heard testimonials from women professionals in the sector.

The initiative was welcomed by the heads of the two secondary schools and highly appreciated by the students, who showed particular interest by listening attentively to their interlocutors and asking numerous questions.

"We hope that our message has been well received by the girls and will have an impact in the years to come," said the RIFPEA President at the end of the event.
