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AfWASA member utilities on training and benchmarking mission to Rand Water, South Africa

Thursday, 04 January 2024
Read 582 times

As part of the implementation of the AfriCap(*) program, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), AfWASA has a standing MoU with Rand Water, one of South Africa's water utilities, to promote partnership in the field of drinking water production and supply.

During the week of the 18th to the 22nd of December 2023, the Scientific Services Division of Rand Water hosted delegations from various drinking water supply entities in Africa for a total of 5 days. The countries/utilities were, Ghana Water Company Limited (GWCL), Ethiopian Wolaita Sodo Town Water & Sewerage Services Enterprise (WSWSSSE) as well as National Office of Water and Sanitation (ONEA) of Burkina Faso. The purpose of the visit was to i) train the Ethiopian WSWSSSE delegation on the development of a quality manual for the first three days of the visit, followed by ii) a peer-to-peer sharing of experiences and best practices in the field of water quality testing, laboratory operating systems and water quality management for the remaining two days of the visit.

The first day started with a welcoming speech by the General Manager of Scientific Services, followed by short presentations by departmental Managers on key functions of the different departments within Rand Water. Thereafter, the delegation traveled to the Analytical Services facility in Vereeniging where the training and benchmarking mission program was introduced.

On the second and third days, a GWCL-led water quality manual training session took place for the Ethiopian delegation, which was further assisted by the Rand Water project team members. This phase concluded with the development of a framework, followed by a submission of the Ethiopian draft quality manual which will be completed by end of February 2024.

The benchmarking mission proceeded on the fourth day with the Ghana and Burkina Faso delegation, a brief visit to the Process Technology Facility in the morning and returning to the Analytical Services laboratory thereafter. 

On the fifth day the delegates witnessed hands on some state-of-the-art execution of water quality testing and reporting. Presentations of various laboratory processes and equipment used emphasized the importance of water quality management and the protection of public health. Robust discussions on common interests ensued with Rand Water Analytical Services highlighting best practices suitable for a water quality testing. The visit closed on a high note where a framework on a laboratory quality manual was developed, which will be complimented by a continued collaboration and exchange on matters of interest, including participation in proficiency testing schemes (PTS).

(*) AfriCap or AfWASA Capacity Building Program aims to support the Association in its mandate to build the capacity of African stakeholders in the water, sanitation and hygiene sector, through the dissemination of knowledge and best practices, and peer-to-peer learning partnerships.
