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92nd AfWASA STC meeting: the specialist groups develop their action plan

Wednesday, 29 November 2023
Read 182 times

Started on Monday November 27 in Conakry, the 92nd AfWASA STC meeting continued on Tuesday November 28, 2023.
The 1st part of this 2nd day was devoted to the presentation of the Association's activity report, from July to November 2023. This was followed by a progress report on preparations of the 22nd AfWASA International Congress and Exhibition,to be held from February 18-22, 2024 in Guinea Conakry. Finally, the day continued with the start of work by the specialist groups. They were instructed to develop or finalise the Terms of Reference for their group; present a report on activities carry out since the last STC meeting held in Johannesburg ; propose activities to be carried out during the Congress; propose the creation of new specialist groups; and develop an action plan from november to february.
The specialist groups set up are as follows:
1. Development and management of skills in water and sanitation utilities
2. Water quality management
3. Non Revenue Water
4. City-wide inclusive sanitation
5. Investment financing and management
6. Young water and sanitation professionals
7. Data management and digitalization
