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Benin | The Municipality of Allada Promotes Improved Sanitation with the Support of USAID MuniWASH

Thursday, 17 August 2023
Read 2561 times

The Municipality of Allada in Benin is taking proactive steps to raise awareness and promote improved sanitation practices within the local community. With the support of the USAID MuniWASH activity, the town council organized three radio programs on March 16, 18, and 22, 2023, to disseminate information about the new national public hygiene law and promote sanitation products offered by local service providers. This initiative aims to position municipalities as promoters of sanitation and strengthen enforcement of regulations in the WASH sector.

The new national public hygiene law, No. 2022-04, was adopted on January 20, 2022, and came into effect on February 16, 2022, superseding the previous Public Hygiene Code (No. 87-015 from September 1987). The law places emphasis on the role of decentralized local authorities, including municipalities, in promoting hygiene. Local authorities are required not only to promote sanitation but also to enforce this law. It covers general provisions, public hygiene regulations, pollution, and nuisance issues, as well as penal actions. Consequently, it serves as an advocacy tool for MuniWASH and other stakeholders to encourage municipalities to allocate more funding to the sanitation sector and support private providers in delivering sanitation services.

Under the leadership of Allada’s press and communications manager (Mr Stanislas MONBABA), the municipality collaborated with USAID MuniWASH and various stakeholders, including the sanitary police, local sanitation entrepreneurs, the Atlantic Departmental Directorate of Health, partner radio station “LA VOIX DE LA LAMA,” and the residents of Allada, to produce three radio programs.

The first radio program, conducted in the local Fongbé language on Thursday, March 16, 2023, provided listeners with a comprehensive understanding of the new public hygiene law in Benin, including information on penalties for non-compliance.

The second broadcast also in the Fongbé, aired on March 18 and focused on sanitation products. It took place at the studio of “LA VOIX DE LA LAMA” and featured a live interactive format encouraging listeners to call in for additional information about sanitation products and supplier contacts. The radio station provides coverage for all 8 communes within the Atlantic district, including Allada, Abomey-Calavi, Kpomassè, Ouidah, Sô-Ava, Toffo, Tori-Bossito, and Zè. Additionally, its reach extends beyond these areas, as some listeners from Bohicon have also tuned in. Furthermore, the radio station has an online presence through its website. Its potential audience is estimated to be around 4 million people, with women comprising 48% of the total audience.

The final program, entitled “Atchakpodji,” was a crowd radio show held in central Allada on Wednesday, March 22, to coincide with World Water Day. Approximately 50 participants attended the event, which aimed to enhance community understanding of the new public hygiene law and highlight the solutions proposed by sanitation service providers. The event concluded with the sanitary police distributing water quality test kits and a public tour of the sanitation facilities by the local sanitation entrepreneurs. Participants expressed great satisfaction with the program and pledged to improve their hygiene and sanitation practices.

To further promote sanitation and contribute to improved access to sanitation for the people of Allada, the town council plans to produce and regularly broadcast throughout 2023 five microprograms covering sanitation products and the provisions of the new hygiene law. These proactive measures taken by the municipality of Allada signify its commitment to raising awareness and fostering positive change in the sanitation sector. With the collaborative efforts of various stakeholders and the engagement of the local community, a brighter future for sanitation practices in the community is anticipated.


MuniWASH works with municipal governments, national agencies, water and sanitation service providers and civil society organizations to improve and expand access to water and sanitation services in West Africa. The project focuses on four service areas: financial sustainability and investment, operational reliability, municipal management, and learning and knowledge sharing. In Benin, MuniWASH is implemented in eight municipalities: Abomey-Calavi, Ouidah, Allada, Cotonou, Avrankou, Bohicon, Aplahoué and So-Ava. The MuniWASH Activity is implemented by Tetra Tech in Benin and Côte d'Ivoire in collaboration with its learning partner, the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA).
