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Join the African Water Association at the 9th World Water Forum

Thursday, 10 March 2022
Read 2590 times

The African Water Association (AfWA) in its efforts to support the African Ministers' Council on Water (AMCOW) in the African Water Vision 2025, has committed to develop programs to support stakeholders. Thus, over the period 2016 to 2023, the AfriCap program aims through USAID funding to promote partnership in the field of drinking water. This program is structured around three specific objectives which are then broken down into three components:

i) Disseminate knowledge products and best practices in line with the demands of the AfWA members,

ii) Develop partnerships and mentoring relationships among AfWA members, and

iii) Strengthen the institutional capacity of AfWA.

Through Component 2 on developing partnerships and mentoring relationships among members, AfWA is implementing, among others, the WOP approach to develop the capacity of utilities in management of NRW.

The World Water Forum (WWF) in Dakar is an ideal platform to discuss this approach, which can help accelerate the achievement of the MDGs through better water quality management in Africa. Thus, participants from all levels and fields, including politicians, multilateral institutions, academia, civil society and the private sector, among others, will exchange on the challenges facing the water sector and on the best practices to be adopted for better water quality management within water utilities.
