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AfWA launches the City Wide Inclusive Sanitation Project (CWIS) in Guinea Conakry

Thursday, 17 June 2021
Read 2589 times

The African Water Association (AfWA), in partnership with the Société des Eaux de Guinée (SEG), proceeded this Wednesday, May 19, 2021, to the launch of its project called « Capacity building in inclusive sanitation at the African city level SAO-CWIS ». The kick-off of this project was attended by the Mayors of the 5 municipalities of Conakry, the managing director of SEG, Experts from Senegal and Burkina Faso and representatives of the Guinean cities concerned, Kindia, Labé and Kankan, noted Guineematin.com through one of its reporters. (…)

In this country, this project should affect the special zone of Conakry and the cities of Kankan, Labé and Kindia. Moreover, this project comes to Guinea at a time when the country is in urgent need of quality service in water treatment and sanitation. That is why, in his speech, Mamadou Diouldé Diallo, General Secretary of the Ministry of Hydraulics, promised that Guinea will do everything possible to ensure the success of this project.

Mamadou Diouldé Diallo, General Secretary of the Ministry of Hydraulics,

"It is with great pleasure that we receive in the context of the launch of the project African Association of Water and Sanitation at the city level, these eminent personalities here. Access to sanitation services is one of the major challenges for most African countries, including Guinea. The quality and coverage of services by sanitation operators are sometimes inadequate due to several factors, including lack of financial resources for major investments. The City-wide Inclusive Sanitation project will enable the cities of Conakry, Kindia, Labé and Kankan to benefit from perfectly adequate sanitation services. We would like, once again, through our illustrious guests of the AfWSA here present, to thank this association and its technical and financial partners for the choice made on the 4 cities of the Republic of Guinea. And we assure them of our availability to accompany the implementation of this important project," said Mamadou Diouldé Diallo, before declaring open the workshop to launch the work of this project.

For his part, Dr. Mbaye Mbéguéré, AfWSA's Senior Sanitation Program Coordinator in charge of the SAO-CWIS program, gave the reasons that led to the inclusion of Guinea in this project.

« Guinea, through the Société des Eaux de Guinée, is one of the major actors of the AfWSA. The SEG is one of the founding members of the AfWA and is one of the most active members who regularly participate in the congresses and scientific councils organized by our association. This is simply to say that when an opportunity as important as improving sanitation presents itself, Guinea cannot be left behind. Note that, like other countries, sanitation is in urgent need in Guinea. It is also clear that the country's authorities have made sanitation a top priority. This explains why Guinea is one of the major targets of AfWSA. And the objective is to accompany the water and sanitation Utilities as well as the municipalities in charge of water and sanitation in Africa," said Dr. Mbaye Mbéguéré. Present at the launch of this project, the mayor of the town of Ratoma took the opportunity to ask Guineans to use water rationally in their households.

Issa Soumah, the mayor of the town of Ratoma

« It is something that is interesting because it concerns Guinea and the Guineans. When we talk about sanitation problems, when we talk about water problems, it should interest everyone. That's why I was motivated to come to the workshop to find out what this is all about. What we can do is to ask people to use water rationally. Because we have all the possibilities that God has given us, but we do not have the means to react accordingly. If we maintain our environment well, we will even be able to sell water to other countries next door," said Issa Soumah.

For his part, Ousmane Diallo, president of the Association of Drainers of Guinea, welcomed the association of private operators in the launch of this project.

Diallo Ousmane, president of the Association of Drainers of Guinea

« I think that the workshop on capacity building for sanitation is a very good start for us private operators. Because we occupy the first link in the value chain of sanitation and autonomy. We are virtually a friend to all households. So, we are the ones who deploy the vacuum truck in households that certainly have septic tanks. We are really concerned with this workshop," he concluded.
