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Inclusive sanitation: Togo benefits from the capacity building project for municipalities in total and inclusive sanitation

Thursday, 17 June 2021
Read 1753 times

Adjamah Affo Boni, The Director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Water and Village Hydraulics launched on Friday 21 May 2021 in Lomé, the capacity building project for municipalities in total and inclusive sanitation (SAO-CWIS and Africap) of the African Water Association (AfWA). A project that aims to support African cities in improving their sanitation systems including Faecal Sludge Management (FSM).
In Togo, the three (3) municipalities (Golfe 5, Ogou 1 and Tchaoudjo1) selected for the project with the help of the Togolaise des Eaux (TdE) will have to improve their sanitation infrastructures and reinforce the social inclusion of their populations..
The launch of the project to strengthen the capacities of communes in total and inclusive sanitation is a step in the search for solutions to ensure better access to sanitation infrastructures throughout the country," said Amah Affo Boni, Director of Cabinet of the Ministry of Water and Village Hydraulics.

In detail, the project, which includes 14 countries with a total of 52 cities, will enable effective and efficient management of human waste and efficient recovery of the resources generated throughout the sanitation chain. This will be achieved through a variety of autonomous or collective technical solutions.
"For an effective start of the activities of this project in the countries, a launching workshop is necessary in order to identify the key actors of sanitation at all levels (national, regional, communal), to present clearly to the stakeholders the project in all its components and articulations by making apparent the levels of involvement of each actor, to present and discuss the short and medium term action plan of the project and to discuss and agree on the commitments of the parties", detailed Djagoun Gilles, representative of AfWA

On this occasion, Kossi Aboka, Mayor of the Gulf 5 Municipality, invited the population to be more civic-minded and to better manage sanitation facilities in the country

The participation of the TDE
Indeed, for years and at the initiative of the Government, the Togolaise des Eaux (TdE) has been working for access to drinking water for all.

According to Gbati Yawanke Wake, Director of TdE, the company has considerably strengthened its presence in the country by opening several agencies, which has had a positive impact on access to drinking water in urban areas.

Beyond that, huge investments are also being made to increase production and extend the water supply network in several urban localities.

Let's remember that, in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 6, Togo has set itself the objective of guaranteeing its populations qualitative and quantitative access to drinking water by 2030.

Finally, it should be noted that, like Togo, 13 other African countries are benefiting from AfWA's Total and Inclusive Sanitation Capacity Building Project (SAO-CWIS and Africap), funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and USAID.
