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The National Office of Water and Sanitation of Djibouti (ONEAD) inaugurates its seawater desalination plant

Wednesday, 12 May 2021
Read 4103 times

The President of the Republic of Djibouti, H.E. Ismael Omar GUELLEH, inaugurated the desalination and drinking water production plant in Doraleh. The plant is funded by the European Union for 73 million euros and by the Djiboutian government for 5.5 million euros. This ceremony marks a step forward and a technical progress for the Republic of Djibouti. 

The plant will first produce 22,500 m³ of drinking water per day to supply nearly 250,000 inhabitants. This capacity will double in phase 2 to 45,000 m³/day. This project is part of the program to fight against water shortage and complements the water coming from the cross-border supply with Ethiopia. The water produced by this plant will be sent to storage tanks and distributed to consumers to meet the ever-increasing demand of the population of Djibouti.  

The plant was built by the Franco-Spanish company Eiffage/Tedagua. For the next 5 years, it will be under an operating contract with the company Tedagua, and ONEAD staff will be trained during this period. Thus, ONEAD will be fully capable of ensuring service continuity.
