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BLUE PLANET Berlin Water Dialogues virtual event attracts representatives from the African water sector

Wednesday, 14 April 2021
Read 2968 times

2021’s first BLUE PLANET Berlin Water Dialogues was special in two ways: On 25th February, the conference format not only celebrated its 10th anniversary but also its digital premiere. Debates around solutions to the challenges of global water management took place entirely virtually, allowing nearly 700 participants worldwide to join this vibrant conference and interact with speakers and other guests. High-ranking international guest speakers presented innovations in asset management processes and discussed water utilities in smart cities. The organizers were particularly pleased with the turnout of international guests. Attendees from African countries – who made up 20% of the participants from outside the EU – showed high interest in the project presentations and in the exchange that followed in interactive break-out sessions as well as the interactive networking tool. The virtual afternoon has once again proven that international collaboration is imperative in addressing global challenges of the water sector. As water is not yet sufficiently featured in the smart city debate, global events such as BLUE PLANET Berlin Water Dialogues are a first step towards changing this. Many promising projects and innovations are already underway. Together, the water industry can create a sustainable water strategy for the future.

BLUE PLANET Berlin Water Dialogues is an established series of events in the international water sector. It was created in 2011, with the goal of being an evolving platform for exchanging knowledge, ideas, and experiences about solutions to improve the global water situation. The next event is planned to be held in November 2021.

Read a full summary report of the event here. To view video recordings of the sessions and download the speakers’ presentations click here.
