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Sanitation Service Delivery: Sanitation products entrepreneurs assure about the provision of “WC MIMIN “products to households after the project has closed during a field visit by a USAID delegation

Tuesday, 13 April 2021
Read 2770 times

Funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) since 2014, the urban sanitation service delivery program (SSD), trains and encourages private sector actors (masons and concrete ring manufacturers etc.) to provide commercial services of affordable and quality sanitation products and services to low-income households residing in urban and peri-urban areas. Implemented by Population Services International (PSI), the project trained and operationalized 34 micro-entrepreneurs and 130 masons for the construction of sanitation facilities in 20 municipalities in Benin under the "WC Mimin" label. These include alternative-use double-pit latrines, improved single-pit latrines and defecation seats to improve unimproved latrines.

Concerned about the effective continuity of the supply of WC MIMIN products at the end of the project envisaged for the end of September 2021, a delegation from USAID met on Thursday February 25, the two (02) micro entrepreneurs installed in the department of Zou in favor of a follow-up visit. Through direct exchanges, these manufactures partners shared with the said delegation their own approach to canvassing customer as well as their perspective.

Indeed, very small entrepreneurs use some community health workers already paid by certain health districts and motorcycle taxi drivers for canvassing customers. They offer the MIMIN WC products to visited customers for a commission of 1000 to 3000 CFA depending on the product sold. This additional income is a real motivation for these players who constantly raise the awareness of potential consumers whenever necessary. Thanks to their actions in the field, the very small entrepreneurs manage to install four to five defecations seats per day. Which strongly contributes to the development of their business.

The vision of these micro entrepreneurs si to increasing the number of points of sale in strategic locations in the target locality. The aim of these outlets is to bring products closer to consumers, one of the value propositions offered by the WC MIMIN business model.

In turn, the delegation welcomed the formidable initiatives being implemented by micro entrepreneurs in order to guarantee the supply of WC MIMIN products to households at the end of the project. This bodes well for the sustainability of their services for the happiness of low income populations.
