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Young Water Professionals of Democratic Republic of the Congo organize a Capacity Building Workshop on Sanitation

Friday, 25 September 2020
Read 2140 times

Under the theme "Sanitation's socio-economic opportunities in the era of COVID-19", the DRC Network of Young Water and Sanitation Professionals (RJPEA-RDC) organized a capacity building workshop on Saturday 05th September 2020 at Maison des jeunes (Youth House) of Carter/Goma.

The opening session began with a minute of silence to mark the passing of Professor Ives Magloire KENGNE Noumsi, former Senior Sanitation Program Coordinator in charge of SAO-CWIS who died in June 2020.

Twenty (20) representatives of youth organizations attended this workshop which was facilitated by Mr. Serge Koko Bashonga and Ms. Nicole Musimbi.

Through his speech, Mr. Serge Koko Bashonga discussed several items, including the types of sanitation and the importance of a clean environment, which leads to an improved health state of the population, protection of the environment, increased productivity and job creation.

Mrs. Nicole Musimbi in turn presented the new generation of toilets, thus informing the youths about the efforts that are being made worldwide to advance the sanitation sector; the objectives was to inspire young participants to innovate in all areas, with research studies in sanitation growing exponentially. Indeed, Innovation is the world's leading value in all fields: telephones, computers, cars, medicine, etc. Similarly, the WASH sector has to make use of new technologies for sanitation management.

Beyond all the benefits of sanitation outlined during this workshop (preservation of lives, savings in health care, environment protection, progress in education, reduction of gender inequalities ...), the young participants also came to specifically understand how to significantly initiate economic activities and create jobs from sanitation challenges; especially in this particular period where water, hygiene and sanitation services are keys in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Finally, a Young Professional Mr. Salem shared his first experience with entrepreneurship through the production of a liquid soap 100% made in Congo, an initiative he started just after the confirmation of the first COVID-19 infections in the DRC.
