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Fight against the COVID-19: Women Water and Environment Professionals in Cameroon disinfect a high school in Douala

Friday, 10 July 2020
Read 2480 times

As part of the response to the Covid 19 pandemic, the Association of Professional Women in Water and Environment of Cameroon (AFPEEC), donated 1 200 masks and 10 boxes of soaps at the Bilingual High School of Nylon Brazzaville in Douala, on Wednesday 17 June. The handover ceremony was followed by the disinfection of 57 classrooms, administrative blocks and the school’s toilets.

This activity was carried out thanks to the support of Seca Environnement, a sanitation company, whose Managing Director, Mrs. Arlette Tchapoya, herself a member of AFPEEC, graciously made disinfection trucks and teams available to the Association.

This action is the first large-scale action since the beginning of the year and despite this very trying period of sanitary crisis.

It should be noted that the disinfection of the School will be done again in 30 days.
