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Fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic : SOMAGEP SA manufactures a hydroalcoholic solution for hand disinfection

Friday, 10 July 2020
Read 2039 times

As part of the fight against Coronavirus or COVID-19, SOMAGEP-SA has manufactured a hydroalcoholic solution for hand disinfection.

The Company is writing a new page in its history through this scientific prowess achieved by its Central Laboratory.

On Wednesday 29 April 2020, the National Health Laboratory of Mali issued SOMAGEP-SA with a certificate attesting to the quality of the hydroalcoholic solution it manufactured in its Central Laboratory, located in Djicoroni Para, for hand disinfection, as part of the fight against the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

The solution, made in SOMAGEP-SA, is composed of Ethanol 96%, Glycerol 96%, Hydrogen Peroxide or Hydrogen Peroxide 3% and distilled water in Sufficient Quantity For (QSP). These standards are those recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) in its protocol for the manufacture of hydroalcoholic solutions to disinfect hands against Coronavirus.

According to the Head of Department of the Central Laboratory, Sidy Patrice DIALLO, to achieve a hydroalcoholic solution, an alcohol content of 80% is required, 1.40% glycerol and 0.125% hydrogen peroxide. "After manufacturing the solution, we sent a sample to the National Health Laboratory to certify its conformity. Thank God we got the certificate of analysis. Today, our Laboratory is entitled to produce the hydroalcoholic solution according to its capacity" said Mr. Diallo.

Let us recall that this initiative to produce the Hydroalcoholic Solution comes from an instruction of the Crisis Unit, chaired by the General Director of SOMAGEP-SA, Boubacar KANE. The cell was thinking about finding solutions to minimise the expenses related to the management of the coronavirus crisis on SOMAGEP-SA's treasury.
