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Our Association is at the heart of all major actions...

Tuesday, 09 July 2019
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«Our Association is at the heart of all major actions aimed at improving access to water and sanitation in the continent»

afwanews124 intOur Association is at the heart of all major actions aimed at improving access to water and sanitation in the continent

You will first allow me, as the African Water Association prepares to celebrate its 40th anniversary in Kampala, Uganda, to pay a vibrant tribute to its founding members. I also have pious thoughts for those who left us during our long journey.

A lot of time has passed since that sunny day in February 1980 in Abidjan, when visionary leaders headed by President Marcel ZADI KESSY of “Socié- té de Distribution d’Eau de Côte d’Ivoire” (SODECI), launched, the Union of African Water Suppliers, UAWS. They understood that to develop the water and sanitation sector in the continent, it was necessary to show solidarity and create a framework conducive to an exchange of experiences and good practices.

I had the honour of leading AfWA from 2006 to 2012, and I am proud to see that we remained comitted to the ambitions set out from the outset by the founding members, in a particularly difficult context.

From Abidjan in 1980 till now, many important achievements have marked this great adventure. From the African Union of Water Suppliers to African Water Association, our association has been at the heart of all major actions aimed at improving access to water and sanitation in the continent. However, today, we have reached a critical turning point. To better meet current as well future challenges, in addition to actions aiming at improving access to safe drinking water and sanitation, in line with Goal 6 of the SDGs, we should take into account the threat posed by global warming. The world is approaching a tipping point that risks dragging the world’s poorest countries and their citizens into a downward spiral, leaving hundreds of millions of people facing malnutrition, water shortage, ecological threats and loss of livelihoods...

Mamadou DIA - Former Président of AfWA
Director of sanitation of Eranove Group
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors of SDE
President of Aquafed

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