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Innovative Technologies to address Sanitation Issues in Africa

Thursday, 23 May 2019
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«Innovative Technologies to address Sanitation Issues in Africa»

afwanews122Dear friends, Dear sanitation sector’s stakeholders, Dear partners,

Sanitation problems are a major concern in most countries of our continent. The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Program entitled «Progress on Sanitation and Drinking Water: Updating and Assessing the SDGs», Report 2015, argues that one out of three people in the world, representing 2.4 billion people (nearly 700 million in sub-Saharan Africa) still live without improved sanitation facilities. The lack of sanitation infrastructure costs nearly $ 5.5 billion a year to 18 African countries (WSP, World Bank, 2012).

This is a well-known secret: sanitation has been sidelined in the sector. “It is given little attention while securing water, treating and distributing drinking water has been cherished”. Yet sanitation is public health, it is the environment.

Although challenges are significant, they are not impossible to meet. Thus, to improve this alarming situation, DELVIC has taken a step forward. As part of a Public-Private Partnership, DELVIC and ONAS (Senegal’s National Office for Sanitation) are joining efforts to harness innovative technologies that are proven to be effective in Senegal.

From teleprospecting, and geolocation to reinvented toilets, composting and lastly, the greatest innovation - Omniprocessor - the country does not spare any expense in addressing its sanitation issues...

Mrs. FAYE LENA TALL - DELVIC Chairperson of the Board of Directors, CEO of Delta SA

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