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Structural Reforms within AfWASA: the Pan-African Association is recruiting members for its new Strategic Council

Thursday, 25 May 2023
Read 4996 times

Indeed since 2019, the African Water Association (AfWA), which became the African Water and Sanitation Association (AfWASA) in February 2023, has embarked on a profound process of reforming its governance and management structures in order to increase its efficiency as part of its mandate to build the capacities of actors in the sector in Africa.

It is in this sense that its «operational technical arm» which is the Scientific and Technical Council, has been transformed into a Strategic and Technical Council (STC) with new objectives and mandate in order to better integrate these aspects of its development on a pan-African scale which include:  (1) the enhancement of Membership, (ii) the implementation of capacity building programs taking into account the specificities of each region/country, (iii) the best sharing of knowledge, including through the publication of manuals/professional technical sheets and scientific articles in the sector, (iv) The diversification of partnerships and financial resources of the organization.

The new Strategic and Technological Council now comprises two distinct entities: the Strategic Council (SC) on the one hand, and the Specialist Groups on the other.

It is expected that this Strategic Council (brand new SC) will be coordinated by a committee of 25 members which will therefore replace the previous board of the former Scientific and Technical Council (STC). It is therefore to set up this important new body, the new Strategic Council (SC) that this call for applications, for the very first leaders of the new SC, is launched among the members of the AfWASA.

for more information, please download the brochure here.
