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There should be self-sufficiency in drinking water and health safety in Africa

Tuesday, 14 March 2023
Read 1254 times

afwa news 135 Couverture3"There should be self-sufficiency in drinking water and health safety in Africa"

Mr. Bouaké Fofana, Minister of Water Resources, Sanitation and Hygiene, Republic of Côte d’Ivoire

Côte d’Ivoire is honoured to host the 21st International AfWA Congress and Exhibition, and the 7th International Conference on Sludge Management from 19 to 23 February 2023. On behalf of the President of the Republic, H.E. Alassane Ouattara, the members of the Government, the Prime Minister, Patrick ACHI, and all the people living in Côte d’Ivoire, I would like to wish the various delegations, Experts and all the participants who have come to take part in these meetings, «Akwaba» or Welcome, through this «AfWA News 135th Special Congress». Côte d’Ivoire is honoured to host the 21st International AfWA Congress and Exhibition, and the 7th International Conference on Sludge Management from 19 to 23 February 2023. On behalf of the President of the Republic, H.E. Alassane Ouattara, the members of the Government, the Prime Minister, Patrick ACHI, and all the people living in Côte d’Ivoire, I would like to wish the various delegations, Experts and all the participants who have come to take part in these meetings, «Akwaba» or Welcome, through this «AfWA News 135th Special Congress». 
I would like to express my hope that these meetings, placed under the critical theme «Acting for a Sustainable Management of Resources and Access to Water and Sanitation for All», will achieve their objectives, and that the Abidjan meeting, coming after the one held in Kampala (Uganda) in 2020, will be a milestone in the search for innovative solutions for access to drinking water and sanitation for all in Africa.

The water and sanitation situation in Africa is indeed at the heart of the concerns of African governments. In some African countries, as in other regions, the situation is not improving, but sometimes worsening.  The pressure on the resource is increasing and we have seen serious crises in recent years. Self-sufficiency in drinking water and health safety is one of our major challenges. Some countries like ours have made significant efforts and progress. The theme of this major international meeting is a response to these concerns and a pressing challenge for all decision-makers.Crisis situations, natural disasters and conflicts in Africa require that the international community, and particularly African Experts, come together to assess the nature of relief and assistance for the improvement of the well-being of African populations.

  Increasingly, there is talk of integrated water resource management. We are part of this vision, which is why I think it is necessary to think about it further. 
In Côte d’Ivoire, several actions are being undertaken to mobilise resources for the development of the water and sanitation sectors. Furthermore, brainstorming is on-going to implement better governance of water and sanitation. Improved management of resources and means will enable us to meet the commitments of Goal 6 of the MDGs: «Ensure access to water and sanitation for all and ensure sustainable management of water resources».

We know that Africa is waiting for concrete answers; in particular, how to achieve the ambitious goal of MDG 6 which is the reason for this 21st AfWA International Congress and Exhibition and the 7th Conference of the Alliance for Sludge Management. 

Welcome and fruitful deliberations to all!

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