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Marrakech 2012: Rendez-vous of giving and receiving

Friday, 07 April 2017
Read 3873 times

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We are left with a few weeks to go to usher in the New Year 2012, which will mark the celebration of our biennial high mass. The African Water Association (AfWA) will hold its 16th Congress from 20 to 23 February 2012 in Marrakech (Morocco). The theme chosen is: “Collaborative mechanisms and innovations for sustainable development of water and sanitation sector in Africa”.

Policy-makers, donors, international cooperation agencies, researchers, academics and the civil society will find in Marrakech, a continental forum to present their points of view on innovative cooperation systems, new funding mechanisms for the water and sanitation sector. We expect to see them there to exchange profitable experiences in order to promote the sector and operators.

The proximity of the date of our Congress with the 6th World Forum scheduled for March 2012 in Marseille, also offers an opportunity for defining, in the framework of the regional African process in preparation of the said Forum, public policies to be implemented, the modus operandi to help strengthen the capacities of operators in water supply and access to decent sanitation services and the share of investments to be made to accelerate the lateness of African countries in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


In one word, as in a thousand, AfWA, which is advancing on the foundations laid down since the past thirty-two years by the pioneers, will continue to be, in its maturity cycle, the advocate of equitable access for all potable water supply and sanitation services. We should therefore rally around this exhilarating ideal and exceed the number of participants (1600 delegates) of the 2010 15th Congress in Kampala. The challenges of the water and sanitation sector are many and it is through a synergy of actions that all stakeholders will succeed in making access to potable water and sanitation a real human right.

Take up the challenge to come to Marrakech, it will be a rendez-vous of giving and receiving and a capital gain in the reflection for the performance of our water and sanitation utilities.

Happy New Year 2012.
